Most cases where you find String.substr() in the wild are to check if a given string begins with a certain other string. Be it checking for a prefix or sorting out zipcodes that begin with certain numbers. And because code readability is a good thing (really, it is important), it would be nice to have
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Posts Tagged: js
A collapsible fieldset as dojo widget
Though many people would disagree, I for one like to use fieldsets to structure complex forms. Even better do I like fieldsets that are collapsible. As there is no such fieldset with dojo, I decided to write my own widget. While doing so, I learnt an interesting lesson… First, I wrote it pretty simple, inheriting
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Safari and – How to do it
There is still some traffic coming in from people who are searching for how to deal with the safari popup blocker. So I thought it might be nice to also tell what you can do about it – as most people want solutions, not backgrounds… So, here you go: It’s pretty simple, really. What to
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3D Canvas Walker revisited
One of the things that fascinated me most about computers since I was a teen, was their ability to simulate a three-dimensional space where one could move around in. That’s why I was so intrigued when I read Jacob Seidelin’s post about “Creating pseudo 3D Games“. I had to play around with it, as I
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Safari and
Update: If you are interested in how to make work you might want to also read the follow-up: Safari and – How to do it Working on a project these days, I noticed that the only call to in that app did not work in Safari. Looking into it, I found that
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