Posts Tagged: js

Porting a 3D RPG to WebGL, Part 1

It all began half a year ago when I sat down with a friend and fellow crew member, Stephan, and we agreed that Gothic was indeed one the best RPGs of all times (seriously, if you don’t know it and are into RPGs, you should get it). We also soon agreed that it would be
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EmbedJS 0.2 and AMD

During, we released EmbedJS 0.2. That release was mainly about a fundamental architectural change: the move to the AMD pattern for our features. Let me explain why we decided to do this, why we think this is a big step forward and what this means for the user.

Using IndexedDB on Firefox

As Firefox 4 is now stable, chances are that the async IDB (IndexedDB) API is not going to change anymore. But IDB is not localStorage – it can be a major pain to work with. So, here is a guide on how to use IDB in Firefox as a key-value store.

Explaining EmbedJS

Last week, we tagged the current state of EmbedJS 0.1. This is a large step for us, and something we have been waiting for and wanting to do for a long time. And with doing so, the need arises to answer a lot of questions – and we better start sooner than later. So, here
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localStorage Performance Test Results

It’s been some time since I last updated this blog, mostly because there’s plenty going on these days. However, there’s something I’ve been wanting to publish for quite some time now: The results of the localStorage performance tests I ran several weeks ago. As I am currently working on performance tests for Mozilla’s IndexedDB implementation,
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