It’s been some time since dojox/storage, and a lot of things changed since then. Most notably: Browsers now have IndexedDB, and Dojo now has the dojo/store API that widgets can directly work with. The dojo/store API was built with IndexedDB and offline in mind, has a nice API and allows asynchronism, meaning that it can
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Posts Categorized: Storage
Working with IDBWrapper, Part 2
Note: This is a tutorial about working with IDBWrapper, a wrapper for the IndexedDB client side storage. Creating indexes and running queries only works with the new version of IDBWrapper, so if already have IDBWrapper, make sure you fetch a new version from GitHub. All examples in this tutorial follow along the “Basic Index Example”,
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Working with IDBWrapper, Part 1
A while ago I released IDBWrapper. If you don’t know it, it’s a wrapper for IndexedDB, a current specification (in draft status) for an in-browser object store. It’s implemented in Firefox and Chrome, and somehow (as a plugin of sorts) also in IE, but, honestly, I don’t care about that too much. Update: IE10 has
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Creating a persistent Dojo Object Store
As of version 1.6, dojo comes with the new Dojo Object Store API. This is an awesome thing, as it greatly simplifies the work with data stores in Dojo. Everybody who had to do with the traditional API felt it was overly complex and hard to use – this has finally changed now. There
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Using IndexedDB on Firefox
As Firefox 4 is now stable, chances are that the async IDB (IndexedDB) API is not going to change anymore. But IDB is not localStorage – it can be a major pain to work with. So, here is a guide on how to use IDB in Firefox as a key-value store.